Myth Realized - What if Any Three-Color Planeswalker Could Be Your Commander?

In this edition of Myth Realized, we take a look at three-color planeswalkers to see if any of them would be broken as your commander.

#commander, #esper, #geyadrone dihada, #grixis, #jeskai, #loyalty, #planeswalker, #sarkhan unbroken, #temur Read More »

Mirror Mastery - Riku Precon Upgrade

Mirror Mastery Precon Redux

What would a precon led by Riku of Two Reflections look like if it were made today? Find out in this Mirror Mastery Precon Redux.

#clone, #commander, #copy, #mirror mastery, #Precon, #riku, #riku of two reflections, #temur, #threaten, #token, #Upgrade, #wizard Read More »

Precon Upgrade Guide - Paradox Power

Who doesn't love free stuff? Come check out Beth's Upgrade Guide for Paradox Power, the Doctor Who deck that gives you tons of value from exile.

#commander, #dinosaurs, #doctor who, #edh, #exile, #paradox power, #Precon, #temur, #universes beyond, #Upgrade Read More »

Precon Primer - Paradox Power

Precon Primer - Paradox Power

More Doctor Who precon fun! Today we're doing our Primer for Paradox Power, led by The Thirteenth Doctor and Yasmin Khan. Counters and casting from exile!

#commander precon, #doctor, #doctor who, #exile, #paradox power, #Precon, #temur, #universes beyond Read More »

Singleton Shmingleton - Tormenting Voice

Tinker Time - Precon Primer

Commander Legends Set Review - Wedge and Shard Legends

Shape Anew - Using Mirror of Fate

Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who's the goodest boy of them all?

#haldan avid arcanist, #mirror of fate, #pako arcane retriever, #shape anew, #synergy, #temur Read More »

Epic Experiment - Illuna Storm

Illuna polymorphs a raindrop into a Storm deck!

#combo, #illuna apex of wishes, #polymorph, #storm, #temur, #token, #underworld breach Read More »

Shape Anew - Omnath with Moonfolk

Omnath doesn't need Elementals... he's found a new tribe!

#Moonfolk, #Omnath, #omnath locus of the roil, #patron of the moon, #shape anew, #synergy, #temur Read More »