Top 10 Gruul X Spells for Rosheen, Roaring Prophet

From the Brim to the Trim - Nerfing Budgets and Shrinking Opponents Alike

Ultra Budget Brews - Polukranos, World Eater

The Thrifty Life Hello and welcome back to another addition of Ultra Budget Brews, the article series that is fully committed to "The Thrifty Life". Here's a small list of things that might indicate that you too are committed to "The Thrifty Life". Do you ever: Get a fountain drink from the gas station (20 […]

#budget, #deckbuilding, #edh, #ghirapur orrery, #greater good, #howl of the night pack, #hydra broodmaster, #momentous fall, #mono green, #polukranos world eater, #primal order, #primeval bounty, #rishkars expertise, #song of the dryads, #wave of vitriol Read More »

Underdog's Corner - Multani, Yavimaya's Avatar

See The Forest... Hello everyone, and welcome back to another stirring edition of the Underdog's Corner! This week finishes up our mono-colored cycle of underdogs from Dominaria! We've gone through white, blue, black, and red, so today we'll be covering the splendid nature of green! As Dominaria continues to age, we see more and more […]

#blackblade reforged, #boundless realms, #green, #hydra broodmaster, #kamahl fist of krosa, #land, #lands, #Multani Yavimaya's Avatar, #ramp, #ramping, #seek the horizon, #the great aurora, #traverse the outlands, #wolfbriar elemental Read More »