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Too-Specific Top 10 - Hybrid Mana

Too-Specific Top 10 - Multicolor Pauper Commanders, Part II

Popular Pauper picks? Perfect place for part 2!

#adeliz the cinder wind, #aerie mystics, #ana battlemage, #anathemancer, #angel of despair, #armament corps, #arvad the cursed, #atzocan seer, #aven wind guide, #azra oddsmaker, #baleful strix, #bant battlemage, #bartel runeaxe, #bears companion, #bladewing the risen, #bloodbraid elf, #Bloodwater Entity, #cliffhaven vampire, #cloudblazer, #coiling oracle, #corpse knight, #corpsejack menace, #crackling drake, #creeping trailblazer, #crosiss attendant, #cruel celebrant, #crystalline sliver, #darigaazs attendant, #deadeye plundereres, #dire fleet captain, #dire fleet neckbreaker, #diregraf captain, #draconic disciple, #dranas emissary, #dreadwing, #dromars attendant, #duergar hedge-mage, #duskmantle guildmage, #Elite Guardmage, #elves of deep shadow, #empyrean eagle, #enigma drake, #esper battlemage, #fire-field ogre, #Frilled Mystic, #fusion elemental, #garna the bloodflame, #General's enforcer, #giant ambush beetle, #gleaming overseer, #gloryscale viashino, #glowspore shaman, #golgari findbroker, #good-fortune unicorn, #grixis battlemage, #grumgully the generous, #gyre engineer, #harmonic sliver, #herald of kozilek, #hibernation sliver, #ingenious infiltrator, #inspiring veteran, #jund battlemage, #juniper order ranger, #khenra charioteer, #kioras follower, #kitchen finks, #knotvine mystic, #krovikan elementalist, #lady evangela, #lavabelly sliver, #legion lieutenant, #leyline prowler, #lore drakkis, #maraleaf pixie, #mardu roughrider, #marisis twinclaws, #maverick thopterist, #mayhem devil, #merfolk skydiver, #messenger falcons, #mirrorwood treefolk, #mistmeadow witch, #murderous redcap, #nacatl hunt-pride, #naya battlemage, #necrotic sliver, #nightscape battlemage, #nivix guildmage, #nyx weaver, #orcish healer, #persistent petitioners, #plaxcaster frogling, #poison-tip archer, #raff capashen ships mage, #raging regisaur, #raging swordtooth, #ragnar, #reflector mage, #renegade wheelsmith, #resolute blademaster, #rhox war monk, #risen reef, #riths attendant, #rushblade commander, #sacellum archers, #satyr enchanter, #savage ventmaw, #scarland thrinax, #scornful aether-lich, #sedraxis specter, #shadowmage infiltrator, #shanna ships legacy, #Siona captain of the Pyleas, #skull prophet, #skynight vanguard, #skyward eye prophets, #slimefoot the stowaway, #sludge strider, #soulherder, #sphinx of the guildpact, #sphinx summoner, #sprouting thrinax, #storm fleet sprinter, #stormscape battlemage, #stromkirk captain, #sultai soothsayer, #sunder shaman, #sunscape battlemage, #tatyova benthic druid, #tenth district legionnaire, #thornscape battlemage, #thunderscape battlemage, #tiana ships caretaker, #tomebound lich, #tower gargoyle, #transguild courier, #trevas attendant, #truefire captain, #trygon predator, #veteran motorist, #viashino slaughtermaster, #vitu-ghazi guildmage, #wall of denial, #warden of the eye, #wayfaring temple, #wee dragonauts, #winding constrictor, #wood sage, #woolly thoctar, #zendikar incarnate Read More »

Too-Specific Top 10 - Multicolor Pauper Commanders, Part I

These popular pauper picks pack a powerful punch!

#adliz the cinder wind, #aerie mystics, #ana battlemage, #anathemancer, #angel of despair, #armament corps, #arvad the cursed, #atzocan seer, #aven wind guide, #azra oddsmaker, #baleful strix, #bant battlemage, #bartel runeaxe, #bears companion, #bladewing the risen, #bloodbraid elf, #Bloodwater Entity, #cliffhaven vampire, #cloudblazer, #coiling oracle, #corpse knight, #corpsejack menace, #crackling drake, #creeping trailblazer, #crosiss attendant, #cruel celebrant, #crystalline sliver, #darigaazs attendant, #deadeye plunderers, #dire fleet captain, #dire fleet neckbreaker, #diregraf captain, #draconic disciple, #dranas emissary, #dreadwing, #dromars attendant, #duergar hedge-mage, #duskmantle guildmage, #Elite Guardmage, #elves of deep shadow, #empyrean eagle, #enigma drake, #esper battlemage, #fire-field ogre, #Frilled Mystic, #fusion elemental, #garna the bloodflame, #General's enforcer, #giant ambush beetle, #gleaming overseer, #gloryscale viashino, #glowspore shaman, #golgari findbroker, #good-fortune unicorn, #grixis battlemage, #grumgully the generous, #gyre engineer, #harmonic sliver, #herald of kozilek, #hibernation sliver, #ingenious infiltrator, #inspiring veteran, #jund battlemage, #juniper order ranger, #khenra chioterer, #khnra charioteer, #kioras follower, #kitchen finks, #knotvine mystic, #krovikan elementalist, #lady evangela, #lavabelly sliver, #legion lieutenant, #leyline prowler, #lore drakkis, #maraleaf pixie, #mardu roughrider, #marisis twinclaws, #maverick thopterist, #mayhem devil, #merfolk skydiver, #messenger flacons, #mirrorwood treefolk, #mistmeadow witch, #murderous redcap, #nactl hunt-pride, #naya battlemage, #necrotic sliver, #nightscape battlemage, #nivix guildmage, #nyx weaver, #orish healer, #persistent petitioners, #plaxcaster frogling, #poison-tip archer, #raff capashen ships mage, #raging regisaur, #raging swordtooth, #ragnar, #reflector mage, #renegade wheelsmith, #resolute blademaster, #rhox war monk, #risen reef, #riths attendant, #rushblade commander, #sacellum archers, #satyr enchanter, #savage ventmaw, #scarland thrinax, #scornful aether-lich, #sedraxis specter, #shadowmage infiltrator, #shanna sisay's legacy, #Siona captain of the Pyleas, #skull prophet, #skynight vanguard, #skyward eye prophets, #slimefoot the stowaway, #sludge strider, #soulherder, #sphinx of the guildpact, #sphinx summoner, #sprouting thrinax, #storm fleet sprinter, #stormscape battlemage, #stromkirk captain, #sultai soothsayer, #sunder shaman, #sunscape battlemage, #tatyova benthic druid, #tenth district legionnaire, #thornscape battlemage, #thunderscape battlemage, #tiana ships caretaker, #tomebound lich, #tower gargoyle, #transguild courier, #trevas attendant, #truefire captain, #trygon predator, #veteran motorist, #viashino slaughtermaster, #vitu-ghazi guildmage, #vizkopa guildmage, #wall of denial, #warden of the eye, #wayfaring temple, #wee dragonauts, #winding constrictor, #wood sage, #woolly thoctar, #zendikar incarnate Read More »