Squirreled Away Precon Review - Bloomburrow

Squirreled Away Precon Review

Bloomburrow precon reviews continue with Squirreled Away, the Golgari token deck led by Hazel of the Rootbloom.

#bloomburrow, #commander, #golgari, #Precon, #review, #sacrifice, #squirrel, #squirreled away, #token Read More »

Peace Offering Upgrade Guide - Bloomburrow

Peace Offering Upgrade Guide

Let's kick this group hug deck up a notch! Come see the best cards to add to the Peace Offering precon from Bloomburrow.

#bant, #bloomburrow, #group hug, #peace offering, #Precon, #Upgrade Read More »

Peace Offering Precon Review - Bloomburrow

Peace Offering Precon Review

We're kicking off our Bloomburrow precon guides with Peace Offering, the green, white, and blue deck led by Ms. Bumbleflower. Anyone in the mood for a hug?

#bant, #bloomburrow, #bumbleflower, #commander, #draw, #group hug, #peace offering, #Precon, #rabbit Read More »

Counterpunch - Ghave Precon Upgrade

Ghave Precon Redux

What would a precon with Ghave, Guru of Spores look like if they made it today? Find out in this entry of Precon Redux.

#abzan, #aristocrats, #commander 2011, #counters, #ghave, #Precon, #tokens, #Upgrade Read More »

Graveyard Overdrive Upgrade Guide - Modern Horizons 3

Graveyard Overdrive Upgrade Guide

What are the best cards to add to Graveyard Overdrive to make it do Jund things even better? Find out in this Upgrade Guide for the Modern Horizons 3 precon.

#coram, #disa, #graveyard, #graveyard overdrive, #jund, #mh3, #modern horizons 3, #Precon, #tarmogoyf, #token, #Upgrade Read More »

Graveyard Overdrive Precon Review - Modern Horizons 3

Graveyard Overdrive Precon Review

Is the Graveyard Overdrive deck from Modern Horizons 3 good enough to, as the kids say, "Jund 'em out?" Find out in this precon review.

#disa, #graveyard, #graveyard overdrive, #jund, #mh3, #modern horizons 3, #Precon, #review, #tarmogoyf, #tokens Read More »

Tricky Terrain Precon Upgrade Guide - Modern Horizons 3

Tricky Terrain Upgrade Guide

How do you upgrade a deck that already has everything? Find out in this Upgrade Guide of Tricky Terrain, the Simic precon from Modern Horizons 3.

#Counter, #everything, #land, #landfall, #mh3, #modern horizons 3, #Precon, #simic, #token, #tricky terrain, #type, #Upgrade Read More »

Tricky Terrain Precon Review - Modern Horizons 3

Tricky Terrain Precon Review

Is this new Tricky Terrain precon from Modern Horizons 3 really everything? Find out in this precon review.

#Counter, #desert, #everything, #Gate, #land, #landfall, #locus, #mh3, #modern horizon 3, #Precon, #review, #simic, #token, #tricky terrain Read More »

Eldrazi Incursion Upgrade Guide - Modern Horizons 3

Eldrazi Incursion Upgrade Guide

How should we upgrade the Eldrazi Incursion deck from Modern Horizons 3? Are the titans the right call? Find out here.

#cast, #copy, #eldrazi, #eldrazi incursion, #modern horizons 3, #Precon, #token, #trigger, #ulalek, #Upgrade, #wubrg Read More »

Eldrazi Incursion Precon Review - Modern Horizons 3

Eldrazi Incursion Precon Review

MH3 precon reviews continue with Eldrazi Incursion, the five-color deck led by Ulalek. Does this deck beat Eldrazi Unbound from last year? Find out here.

#eldrazi, #eldrazi incursion, #modern horizons 3, #Precon, #review, #token, #trigger, #ulalek copy, #wubrg Read More »