Brew For Your Buck - Budget Kennerud Equipment

Build a flexible, combat-focused Modern Horizons 3 commander with an Equipment theme!

#Arna Kennerüd Skycaptain, #artifact tokens, #copy, #equipment, #esper, #improvise, #modern horizon 3 Read More »

Myth Realized - What if Any Three-Color Planeswalker Could Be Your Commander?

In this edition of Myth Realized, we take a look at three-color planeswalkers to see if any of them would be broken as your commander.

#commander, #esper, #geyadrone dihada, #grixis, #jeskai, #loyalty, #planeswalker, #sarkhan unbroken, #temur Read More »

Singleton Shmingleton - Build a Cycling Storm Deck

Brew For Your Buck - Queza Crimes on a Budget

Commit a crime with this Outlaws of Thunder Junction commander!

#commit crimes, #drain life, #esper, #gain life, #outlaws of thunder junction, #Queza Augur of Agonies Read More »

Singleton Shmingleton - Build an Esper Control Deck with Trait Doctoring

From The Brim To The Trim - Living The Budget And Snuffing Out Opponents

A vampire and a sphinx walk into a bar...and Arnaud gives them both a good trimming!

#Elenda and Azor, #esper, #knight, #lifegain, #march of the machine, #MOM, #Sphinx, #vampire Read More »

Archetune-Up - Spirited Away

Deep Analysis - Self-Mill

Let's get acquainted with self-mill decks!

#control, #esper, #Graveyard Based, #Self-Mill, #varina lich queen, #zombie Read More »

Evasive Maneuvers — Skulk

Commander Legends Set Review - Wedge and Shard Legends