Myth Realized - What if Any Three-Color Planeswalker Could Be Your Commander?

In this edition of Myth Realized, we take a look at three-color planeswalkers to see if any of them would be broken as your commander.

#commander, #esper, #geyadrone dihada, #grixis, #jeskai, #loyalty, #planeswalker, #sarkhan unbroken, #temur Read More »

Myth Realized - What if Any Planeswalker Could Be Your Commander? (Simic)

Myth Realized - What if Any Planeswalker Could Be Your Commander? (Boros)

Myth Realized - What if Any Planeswalker Could Be Your Commander? (Golgari)

Myth Realized - What if Any Planeswalker Could Be Your Commander? (Izzet)

Myth Realized - What if Any Planeswalker Could Be Your Commander? (Orzhov)

Myth Realized - What if Any Planeswalker Could Be Your Commander? (Selesnya)

Myth Realized - What if Any Planeswalker Could Be Your Commander? (Gruul)

Myth Realized - What if Any Planeswalker Could Be Your Commander? (Rakdos)

Nicholas explores whether these planeswalkers would work as fun and powerful commanders.

#angrath captain of chaos, #angrath minotaur pirate, #angrath the flame-chained, #daretti ingenious iconoclast, #edh, #planeswalker, #rakdos, #sarkhan the mad Read More »

Myth Realized - What if Any Planeswalker Could Be Your Commander? (Dimir)