Top 10 Creatures That Draw Cards

[ITA] Siberian89 - Talea di Colfenor MTGEDH | the rock | Commander Multi Deck Tech ITA

Talea di Colfenor (Sapling of Colfenor) è simaptico comandande golgari pseudo voltron molto solido che cerca di usare la sua abilità per fare vantaggio mentre scava nel mazzo per un modo di vincere la partita. Per la playlist: Il video spiega la strategia del mazzo e l'inclusione di alcune carte chiave, mentre puoi trovare ben […]

#sapling of colfenor, #siberian89 Read More »

Commander Tactics - Sapling VS Rin and Seri VS Tetsuko Umezawa | 3-Player EDH Gameplay | Commander Tripod | Episode 2

Welcome to another episode of The Commander Tripod. 3-player commander is a completely different beast when it comes to EDH. But with only three players, there is alot more games to be had and more Magic to be played! In this match, we have The Ozarks Boys back again throwing down with Sapling of Colfenor, […]

#commander gameplay, #commander tactics, #edh gameplay, #Rin and Seri Inseparable, #sapling of colfenor, #Tetsuko Umezawa Fugitive Read More »

A Love Letter to Umori

Too-Specific Top 10 - Big Rocks

Making the Cut - Oops, All Creatures!

Making the Cut - Lowering the Mana Curve

Making the Cut - An Intro! Hello, and welcome to Making the Cut, where we look at the pros and cons of those last few cards in the 99. My name is Doug, and I’ve been playing Magic off and on since Fallen Empires. This not only explains my irrational love of Goblin Grenade, but […]

#endrek, #endrek sahr, #endrek sahr master breeder, #filigree familiar, #golgari, #making the cut, #meren, #meren of clan nel toth, #ogre slumlord, #pelakka wurm, #recursion, #sapling of colfenor, #thragtusk, #token, #tokens, #value Read More »

Dig Through Time — Time Spiral

Maybe you've noticed a theme in my last two columns. First we did Future Sight. Then we visited Planar Chaos. Hm, is this a pattern? Yes, we've been doing Time Spiral block in reverse, and that means that today we're going to the past to visit the set that kicked off this crazy block. In addition to bringing […]

#ashling the pilgrim, #children of korlis, #DTT, #eight-and-a-half-tails, #foriysian totem, #fortune thief, #gaze of justice, #greenseeker, #heartless hidetsugu, #kemba kha regent, #Lunarch Marshal, #odric master tactician, #pentarch paladin, #sapling of colfenor, #selenia dark angel, #sudden death, #talrand sky summoner, #The Girtrog Monster, #thunder totem, #time spiral, #toshiro umezawa, #underplayed, #weatherseed totem, #wipe away Read More »