Back to Basics - The Top 10 Most Played Rakdos Cards in Commander

The featured art for this article is Rakdos, the Muscle by Victor Maury

And now for the most entertaining Top 10 list of them all! It's our Top 10 Most Played Rakdos Cards in Commander.

#aristocrats, #combo, #commander, #goad, #most played, #rakdos, #removal, #sacrifice, #top 10, #treasure Read More »

Blame Game Upgrade Guide

Blame Game Upgrade Guide

Let's spice up Blame Game, the preconstructed deck from Karlov Manor. Come see what cards we added to improve this list.

#blame game, #boros, #commander, #Feather, #goad, #karlov manor, #nelly, #Precon, #suspect Read More »

Blame Game Precon Review

Blame Game Precon Review

Let's crack open Blame Game, the Boros preconstructed deck from Karlov Manor. How do you play it? Is it worth buying? Find out here.

#blame game, #boros, #commander, #Feather, #goad, #karlov manor, #mkm, #nelly, #Precon, #review, #suspect Read More »

Rally the Ancestors - Legends of the Honored One

Gahiji, Honored One

Dallas rings in the holidays with a whole host of merry legends eager to attack.

#aggro, #combat, #deck tech, #gahiji honored one, #goad, #historic matters, #legends matter, #naya, #rally the ancestors, #tokens Read More »

Evasive Maneuvers — Stalking

Archetune-Up - The Cat that Hits Back

Dual Shot - Cursed Combat

Combat? Curses? This deck's got you covered!

#chaos, #curse, #five color, #forced combat, #goad, #politics, #taunt, #wubrg Read More »

Commander Showdown - Marisi vs Thantis

Andrew Jackson Highlander - Thantis, the Warweaver

The Webs We Weave Welcome to Andrew Jackson Highlander, a biweekly series where I build and share $20 Commander decks. With Commander 2018 released this month, I will be devoting my articles to some of the alternate commanders within each of the decks. To kick it off, we incite violence and ensnare our opponents in our political webs […]

#goad, #jund, #kazuul tyrant of the cliffs, #politics, #thantis the warweaver Read More »

Commander Showdown — Etali vs Grenzo

Stealing Things is Fun Rivals of Ixalan unleashed a cycle of new dinosaurs into EDH, from the enormous Ghalta, Primal Hunger to the terrifying Tetzimoc, Primal Death. However, one dino can still be heard above the rest: Etali, Primal Storm, the spinosaurus that bellows so loudly it shakes the top card of everyone's library loose. […]

#aggravated assault, #bedlam, #break through the line, #disrupt decorum, #etali, #etali primal storm, #goad, #goblin war drums, #grenzo havoc raiser, #hellkite charger, #lantern of insight, #mono red, #neheb the eternal, #relentless assault, #scroll rack, #world at war Read More »