Top 10 Artifact Creatures

Growing Threat - Precon Primer

Power Sink - Teshar Soul Man

Too-Specific Top 10 - I'm Leaving You(r Yard)

Too-Specific Top 10 - Bargain Bin

Mind Bend - Mono-Green Artifacts

Teshar - Play It Again, Sam

Weird Harvest — A New Hope...of Ghirapur!

Welcome back to Weird Harvest, where we strive to weaponize jank to our strategic advantage. This week I figured we would take a break from our regularly scheduled programming to spotlight a deck building concept that is the embodiment of jank. It’s no secret that artifacts are a critical component of our format, with just […]

#artifact, #colorless, #crawlspace, #damping engine, #hope of ghirapur, #junk diver, #kozilek the great distortion, #lifeline, #mana web, #myr retriever, #nim deathmantle, #scarecrone, #scrap trawler, #silent arbiter, #smokestack, #stax, #storage matrix, #trinisphere, #void winnower, #voltron, #ward of bones Read More »